Indian national congress or INC was the 1st modern nationalist movement that sprinted from the british empire in Asia and Africa.. 
Although it was founded in the year 1885 its actual journey started in 1920s under the leadership of MAHATMA GANDHI ..

INC led INDIA to independence and its agenda was social liberalism by walking through Gandhian principles ...
Starting from the days of independence INC was guided by strong and determined leaders that made it dominant party in INDIA...
But today's congress is lot different from that of then ... now the congress party is like a blunt pencil  

lacking a  strong leadership ... even Rahul Gandhi is there still his leadership quality is not  up to mark ... 

What makes a true leader is the combination of mesmerising speech and seeing through the eyes  of a common man ...
Leaders of both the party are lacking this 2  but must mention modhi has that 1 skill ...his fine tuning of words that fetch him victory... but in congress side they are missing both but we could see that Rahul is trying to change nowadays getting indulged in party matters all ... guess before the next election he would become a real leader....
As an ordinary civilian of INDIA must mention that SASHI THAROOR pocess both the qualitys an ideal leader both with words and skills ...  

wish congress gives a chance to someone who truely deserves the leadership than passing it down to generation who lacks what needed ...
Hope for the best....

Second natural disaster hits Vietnam....

Typhoon damrey as a compact topical cyclone landfalls onto the southcentral vietnam coast...
Taking 27 lives and 12 are missing. Its CONSIDERED to be the second largest natural disaster hitting the Vietnam.. 

Typhoon damrey is the 10th named typhoon ... the name damrey means elephant in Cambodia.. 

This disaster created a havoc among other countries as it occurred  days before the AOEC summit..

According to Vietnam disaster management...about 40,000 were homeless and about dozens were killed and went missing due to the landslide created by the 130km/hr wind and heavy rain ...


16 years old girl was forced to strip NAKED and roam for 1hour in the village of Pakistan for her brothers AFFAIR with a girl.
This brutual and shameful act of maturity happened in the 
Pakistan's Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province
 Victims brother sajjad got into relationship with the girl of the village 3 years before... 
and the village council levied a fine of 105000 for loving a girl...
Even after this the ELDERS were not satisfied so they did this shameful act when the victim was gone to fetch water  .....

Maturity doesnot come with ages ...
 Where are the feminists ? 
Whole village stood mute and silent after seeing this all ... gud Lord did they all came from a mother's womb...


No one could believe that the most powerful person of the world can be hit down by an ordinary  employee ..
This type of story's have seen only in .movies  which according to us is impractical or is of no coordination in reality ...
But now this examples proves that  even the powerful man is unsafe ...
This time donald trumph was KNOCKED out by Twitter. 

For a period of 11 minutes..

This disappearance of Donald triumphs account  occurred on  thursday... night due to human error ..
Customer supporter employee who did this on his last day ...
His DEPARTING gift was like a night mare to the 45th and current  president of AMERICA.
Twitter response was in this way

The same Twitter once said that trumps account won't be suspended as it is really news worthy ...
Now after this incident I understood why they said so...
Twitterians were  hailing praise for the employee who gave this gift to trump..


      It's time to count one two three while gazing a girl in INDIA as a mere gazing

Could get you behind bars .

14 seconds rule is proposed in God's own country ( kerala ) in INDIA

Even though this news sound absured to all of us ... trust me it may not be for the keralas excise commissioner  Rishiraj Singh.

“A case can be filed against men who 'annoyingly' stare at women for more than 14 seconds," Rishiraj Singh said at an event in Kochi on Sunday.

The stare need not really linger for a full 14 seconds to make it an offence. It is an offence if it makes a woman uncomfortable even for a few seconds. Womenfolk should come forward to register complaints against such offenders.’’

He suggested a close reading of the Section 354 A, B, C and D to understand the offence and the law concerned reported the paper.
So can staring for 14 seconds make one go to jail? What does the law say?
The law that Singh quoted to substantiate his seemingly outlandish claim is Section 354 in its entirety. The said law of the Indian Penal Code has four sub-sections to it, namely a, b, c, and d and was also amended in 2012 following the Nirbhaya rape case.
Section 354 says, “Whoever assaults or uses criminal force on any woman, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with impris­onment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or fined, or both.”
The sub-sections -which were added later- then go on to delineate what exactly could be construed as sexual harassment and punishment for the same.
354 A
A man who commits any of the following acts:
- physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures
- demand or request for sexual favours
- show pornography against a woman’s will
- make sexually coloured remarks
Any man who assaults or uses criminal force on a woman or abets such an act with an intention to disrobe or compel her to be naked.
354C (deals with voyeurism)
 Any man who watches or captures or makes public an image of a woman engaged in a private act can be imprisoned for his first offence for a minimum one year which may extend to three, and also be liable to fine.
 354D (deals with stalking)
Unless otherwise sanctioned by law or if the man can justify his action, any man who repeatedly follows a woman and contacts or attempts to contact her to foster personal interaction despite the woman making clear her disinterest or
- monitors a woman’s use of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication is guilty of stalking.
In addition, Section 294 of the Indian Penal Code makes it punishable if anyone to the annoyance of others-
a.         Does any obscene act in any public place, or
b.         Sings, recites or utters any obscene song, ballad or words, in or near any public place,
After a thorough reading of the sections, we still fail to understand just how exactly staring for a specific time can be worked into any of these sub-sections. And the 14-second deadline continues to baffle even legal minds, with none being able to come up with a satisfactory explanation for the same.
 "You can't have a law that measures such things. How do you ascertain it? Staring or looking - what happens if you blink? Atrocious,” says Sudha Ramalingam, a senior lawyer.
Though the time limit seems to be Rishiraj Singh’s addition, legal experts agree that Section 354 can be used by a woman against a man who harasses her and ‘staring’ can be deemed offensive too.

Supreme Court lawyer K V Dhananjaya who spoke to India Today about the incident called it a “mindless” statement to make. “There is no such provision in any law of this country and there cannot be such a mindless provision of law in any other country of the world. Period.”